Roulette is a favorite game of millions of human beings all over the world. Roulette is warmly welcomed in Europe (especially in Germany), America, Africa and Australia. Those, who are devoted to this gambling entertainment, are very close familiar with its rules and history and very curious about its popular and “underground” strategies. But what do we really know about this gambling game? Below we together with the team standing behind have compiled some very interesting facts about roulette.
Roulette was invented by a famous French mathematician and philosopher, Blaise Pascal, during his experiments dedicated to the perpetual-motion machine. Blaise borrowed the name of the game from the ancient French table game. As you see, people were keen on gambling games long before roulette was officially invented. There’ve been discovered several references to the special places for gamblers in ancient China and Egypt. Gamblers from ancient Greece used to create dice from sheep shield bones’. The very word “casino” derives from Italian; it used to be a house, where people gathered to have some fun past time. The emotions in casino ran so high, that many countries used to ban it and don’t allow even now. In 18th century underground casinos in England had a special employee, who’s job was to swallow dice at the slightest threat of a police raid.
As for today, Las Vegas undoubtfully has won the title of the “tourist stronghold” among gamblers: each single year around 40 million tourists from all over the world visit this place. Many Las Vegas casinos are famous for the very special odor in the air, for example, in Mirage and Mandalay Bay casinos you can feel the scent of coco; in Venetian casino clients smell old-fashioned pour femme perfume. The casino ambassadors most probably will tell you that they don’t add any aromas deliberately, but be sure they’re playing cunning. After you visit Aroma Systems Inc. – the company which focuses on scents for buildings, you’ll find out that many Las Vegas Casinos are on the lists of clients.
The Chinese culture considers number “4” to bring bad luck, that’s why almost all the biggest world casinos (for example, Wynn Las Vegas and Rio) have no 4th floor at all… The buttons in the elevator look like that: 1,2,3,5,6…
There’s a whole separate class of casino visitors – “experts” – those players which consider each visit to a casino not just as entertainment, but as full-fledged work. This category of players includes true masters, who work in pairs (which means that one is a sort of gammoner) and try to drain dealers’ focus from the game and move their bet to the corner of the winning sector; there’re also “card sharpers” who exchange cards secretly to obtain a winning combination; sometimes you can also meet professors of mathematics, who put the success down to the well-calculated sequence. People of all ages and origins have been willing to play a trick on fortune. True professionals use secret systems, that only they know how to use, to “skim” insane money amounts: for example, each time a famous Australian millionaire, called Kerri Pekker, entered a casino, its owners would get a nervous tic, which is quite understandable: each time Kerri visits a gambling facility, he makes quite impressive bets and nearly always wins. It was at Grand Casino in Las Vegas, when he managed to win more than 20 million dollars during one single night. Yankee John Moss used to benefit from casinos for about 70 years: he “retired” only when he turned 90. He started as a card-sharper, then became a professional player and closer to the end of his career started consulting respected gambling facilities on protective mechanism against speculators.
There’re a lot of systems out there, for professional players, who gamble to do for a living. Martingale system is one of the oldest methods used by players; after its spread, the casinos started imposing limits on minimum and maximum bets, so the system cannot work well in its pure form any more… You can find both very primitive and very sophisticated systems, very expensive computer programs, which can predict bets for users; however, all these programs pursue one single goal – give its owners the advantage over other players and provide them with sustainable profit. As for today the most popular, profitable and successful system is said to be the McKinley system, well-known among professionals and gambling games’ fans. Thanks to its user-friendly structure and free access, the system has won hearts of players all over the world.
As a matter of fact, governments of almost all countries find the idea to monetarize gambling business very attractive. Sometimes, they would use the casino to establish and maintain separate gambling areas, to slow down the gambling pace all over the rest of the country. In the USA, gambling facilities have been given green light in the Nevada state (including Las Vegas, Rhino and Carson-City) and in Atlantic City (New Jersey). As for the Russian Federation, these territories are Kaliningrad region, Altai, Primorsk Territory and Azov City; in Venezuela – Margarita Island. At the same time, the rapid growth of online casinos is jeopardizing the future of such “areal” policy imposed by authorities – online facilities know no boundaries. Anyone can enter the world of sharp senses and serious money, providing that he/she has PC/laptop/mobile device with Internet access.
Roulette wins – fun facts
In 1891 a roulette player from England called Charles de Wells scooped the pool at one of Monaco casinos. What’s more, he did it not once, but 6 times in only 3 days. Each time he lost, Charles used to double his bet; eventually he won and managed to turn his start-up capital of 10 000 franks into a whopping million. Nevertheless, he died in complete poverty in 1926. His story inspired a song “The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo”. And also promoted a very trustworthy legend about the system, which can possibly ruin the course of the roulette wheel.
Sean Connery, who used to be an implacable James Bond – a secret agent and gambler, won about 30 000 during three roulette rounds in a row in January 1963, in “St Vincent” – an Italian casino. All three times Sir Connery bet on number 17 and won.
The system invented by an English engineer and talented mechanic William Jaggers rewarded its author and creator with $ 180 000. His system based on the statement, that there’re no ideally-balanced roulette wheels, which means that physical faults are inevitable. These faults will affect the course of the wheel differently from the expected outcome and as the result, some numbers will come up more frequently than others.
Jaggers hired 6 assistants to help him to carry out the experiment. Each of the assistants was assigned a gambling table. Each single day players had to watch the game and put down all the lucky numbers. Each single evening, the engineer used to collect the data and analyze it. It took him a month to carry out his precise calculations and state with certainty that the frequency of how some numbers occur on the wheel doesn’t actually coincide with the probability theory. After that Jaggers visited the casino himself and made bets on the numbers chosen beforehand. Four days after he ended up holding a whopping win in his hands.