If you are into playing roulette casino game with the obvious intention of winning, then you can make use of martingale system, a strategy that will help you win in a complete different way than with using other strategies. It means that using this strategy you won’t base the strategy for winning in the long run as other methods do, but rather benefit from this one to bring you short profits.
This system is based on the original formula which was brought in by the times roulette was first played in France in 18th century. When a player would bet a coin and he lost it, the next time he bet he would double the amount, meaning that he would bet two coins. He would repeat this strategy until he ended up winning.
Nowadays you can use the same system. Let’s say that you bet 5 dollars and when the wheel stops spinning, you see that you have lost. The next bet would be double, meaning 10 dollars. If you will lose again, the next time you will put 20 dollars on the bet, and you win it means that you will have 5 dollars profit from your initial betting. How is this? Just do the math: the two first times you bet 15 dollars and when you won the last time – 20 dollars it means that you have won 5 dollars (20 – 15).
When you see the things from this perspective martingale roulette winning strategy seems quite easy for the quick and small profits. But there are however some drawbacks resulted from this system.
* The first drawback is that many casino houses allow at their roulette tables a minimum amount of bet. The minimum amount goes from $500 up to $1,000. In this case, for this system to prove its efficiency you would have to win with the first or second bet. If these hands are lost, it means that for the third time you can not bet the double amount which is $2,000 because the table won’t allow it.
* The other drawback is that you can end up losing all your money in a matter of few spinning of the wheel.
One thing that you need to keep in mind is that you should always run some researches related to winning strategy at roulette games. You can find many of these strategies described online that you can benefit from. If there is one that doesn’t work then you can try the next one and so on until you find the one that is really efficient. Many of these tips are based on taking the house in the long run, but you have to decide for which strategy you want to go.
Another recommendation would be to never stick around the table more than your betting money allows you because you will always be tempted to bet again once you have had a winning hand, and who knows, maybe next time you won’t be that lucky!