Professional gamblers and specialists invented many systems and strategies for roulette, which are based on the theory of probability and statistical expectations (Martingale, Labouchère or Fibonacci System). All these theories are bound to make your game profitable in the long run, providing than you stick to the plan and bet a certain number of chips. The cancellation system is one of these strategies.
The cancellation system may seem very complicated and hefty at the first sight. In practice, in fact, it’s quite user-friendly and understandable even for inexperienced players. The only thing you may need is a slip of paper and a pen, because all the calculations are very hard to remember for a player without any kind of prolific memory. You can easily write, when playing at online casinos, but not at land-based casinos. The advantage of online casinos is that here you can test any system you wish, using demo-versions of the games or extensive list of no deposit bonuses.
At first you need to write down the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10. Basically, each new bet should be equal to the sum of the first and the last number from the sequence. Thus, your bet sum equals to 11 all the time (1+10, 2+9, 3+8 and etc.). If your bet wins you have to proceed to making next bets and cancel previous ones. But if your bet loses, you need to add 11 to the second number in your calculation.
1st bet – 1+10 – win
2nd bet – 2+9 – win
3d bet – 3+8 – defeat
4th bet – 3+(8+11) – defeat
5th bet – 3+((8+11)+11) – defeat
6th bet – 4+7 – defeat
7th bet – 4+(7+11) – win
8th bet – 5+6 – defeat
9th bet- 5+(6+11) – win
Let’s assume, which is of course next to impossible yet ideal, that you win all the time. Then the number of bet will be equal to 5:
1st bet – 1+10
2d bet – 2+9
3d bet 3+8
4th bet – 4+7
5th bet – 5+6
This system is very convenient for the game when chances are 50/50: black/white, even/uneven, big/small and etc. In other words, the system is most effective, when the rate is 1:1. Which variation of cancellation to choose is up to you. The choice of 10 numbers is hypothetical; as you see you can either reduce the sequence or make it longer. The most important and integral condition is that the sequence is even, e.g. is always exactly dividable by 2, so that you don’t have any odd numbers at the end of all cancellations.
The cancellation system is very similar to Martingale system, but has a different approach to the increase of the bet. What’s most unique and interesting about the system is that your game session cannot end with a negative; you will continue playing until your bet wins as the result of following the arithmetical progression.
However, this system is not deprived of some consistent flaws. One of the most unpleasant things about the cancellation theory is that casinos have long been aware of such cunning methods and therefore imposed limits on bets and their number to protect themselves. Thus, players, who decide to follow this system risk to end up in the trail of failures and reach the limit of the bet without even crossing the red line.
Maximum bet limit – $ 100
1st bet – $ (1+10) = $ 11 – defeat
2nd bet – $(1+(10+11)) = $ 22 – defeat
3d bet – $ (1+(21+11)) = $ 33 – defeat
9th bet – $ (1+(87+11)) = $ 99 defeat
Thus, you 10th bet will exceed the limit imposed by the casino. On the other hand, the series of 10 losses in succession seems almost unreal… However, the example demonstrates the situation, when player used $ 495 for bets. So, even if the chance to lose the 10th round is 1%, you have to decide, whether you’re ready to put $495 at risk or not.